Master Director Dale Syverson is the heart and soul of the Rich-Tone Chorus. As the daughter of a barbershopper, Dale has been a part of the Sweet Adelines organization since she was a child. Since Dale became the Rich-Tones' Director in 1976, the chorus has grown from 18 members to over 150.
Like Rembrandt or Picasso, Dale is a master artist who paints music with her hands. Dale’s creative and musical expertise comes from over 40 years of training and directing experience in the Sweet Adelines organization.
Dale’s unique artistic talents are in such high demand that she travels the world coaching quartets and choruses, and educating members through her continual participation in workshops, seminars and music schools.
With over 60 years as a Sweet Adeline, Dale has garnered an impressive list of achievements. Here are a few of her many honors:
- Master Director | Master '700' Director (the first director in the organization to achieve this status by directing a Rich-Tones in the very first ever 700 plus score in Baltimore 1992)
- Rich-Tone Chorus Director (1976 to present)
- Certified Expression Judge; Certified Sound Judge
- Master International and Regional Faculty Member
- Previously served on the SAI Education Direction Committee
- Elected to SAI International Board of Directors
- Recipient of the 2004 SAI President's Lifetime Achievement Award
- 6-time international gold medal winning chorus director
- 2-time international gold medal winning quartet singer
(Tiffanys 1973 & Rumors 1999)